The mission of TBGHealth is to imaginatively provide brain injury rehabilitation services of the highest quality, with the goal of assisting each individual to return to his or her family and lifestyle within the most therapeutically efficient timeframe as possible.

TBGHealth is dedicated to providing Residential Services for persons recovering from brain injury in a homelike, family environment meant to enhance each person’s self-reliance and emotional well-being. Structured Day and Cognitive Therapy Services focus on each person’s specific needs and goals and are provided with the same focus on the unique needs of each person served.

Person-Centered Philosophy

TBGHealth provides unique and imaginative brain injury rehabilitation. Our focus is on the family. Our services are provided in a unique, family-like setting where each person can take an active role in their own rehabilitation process.  TBGHealth focuses on the strengths of each person and their family and works with them jointly as a vital part of the rehabilitation process.